Who we are:

First Priority exists to share the Hope of the Gospel with every student, on every campus. We equip students with the resources to effectively share the Hope of Christ with their fellow students and to create a safe place on campus where any and everyone is loved and welcome. At our Campus clubs students have the opportunity to experience Christ and connect to the Church. As we see everyday, our world is full of chaos and tragedy. First Priority strives to bring Hope and Love because, together, we can be light in this dark world.


How Does it Work?

The 1984 Equal Access Act passed by the Federal government as well as the 2017 Florida Student and School Personnel Religious Liberties Act gives students the right to initiate and lead a Christian club on campus (learn more here). When students start a club, we resource them with materials and mentoring so they are not alone to in reaching their campus for Christ. The success of First Priority begins and ends with the local church. The students, youth pastors & faculty sponsors that partner with us all belong to a local congregation. Once a student receives Christ on campus, they are encouraged to join their classmates in connecting to the body of Christ where they can grow in their new faith.

Where is First Priority?

We have over 300 clubs across nine counties, from South Florida to the Space Coast, Orlando and Volusia County. In addition, we partner with over 120 local churches, 300 volunteers, and thousands of students. To find out more about our campus clubs click below! To reach every student on every public middle and high school campus in southeastern Florida with the Gospel… this is our First Priority!

On Campus Clubs

Statement of Faith

We Believe God loves mankind so much that He gave:
His Word to be the written source of absolute truth.
His Son Jesus, to restore our relationship with God.
His Spirit to empower believers to live holy lives.
His Mandate to proclaim Christ’s sinless life, death, and resurrection to all.
His Church to equip believers to reach the world.

Full Statement of Faith