Need to start a club on your campus or access resources for you club?

Well you came to the right place to start the journey. God is doing amazing things in First Priority clubs all over South Florida, Join the movement!


Find the club nearest you.


Get involved and make a difference on your campus!


Access CORE for online resources.


There are three volunteer leadership positions every First Priority club needs to be successful, Student Leaders, Faculty Sponsors, and Campus Mentors.

Student Leaders

Every club is run by a student leadership team. Aided by a Campus Mentor, this is the team that runs the club from week-to-week. If you are a godly leader among your peers at your church’s youth group, this role is made for you.
Become a student leader

Faculty Sponsor

Each of our clubs are legally required to have a school staff person at every meeting. If you work for a public school and love Jesus, this is a perfect way for you to get involved.
Become a Faculty Sponsor

Campus Club Mentors

Our Campus Club Mentors train and equip our Student Leaders to run successful First Priority clubs. If you are passionate about ministering to youth at your local church, you would make a great Club Mentor.
Become a Club Mentor