26 years ago, First Priority of South Florida began in Broward County and has since expanded to Miami, Palm Beach, The Treasure Coast, Indian River County, and The Space Coast. Our goal has been to fully engage the counties we serve and extend our reach to new areas. This school year, we were blessed to launch our first club in Orlando at Horizon High School! Josh Vazquez, the Youth Pastor at Oasis Windmere in Orlando, mentors this club. Here’s some insight into his experience as a mentor! If you’re interested in joining us in our mission on campus, visit First Priority On-Campus to get involved!


How did you come about becoming the Campus Mentor at Horizon High School?

One of my Youth told me about the club and asked if I could be a start of it and my church jumped at the opportunity to be apart of something so many.


Can you share a memorable experience or testimony from one of the students who has been impacted by the club’s activities?

I remember the first invite week, I spoke on my testimony with the students, just so they can get to know me a little better. One of the students listening was just listening but you could tell she could relate to my testimony. After the meeting, she can up to me thanking me for sharing and giving hope. She accepted Christ that day.


What challenges have you faced in maintaining the club’s presence and activities on campus, and how have you overcome them?

I am not on staff at my church so I have to take time off work to be able to make the meetings. My job is aware of my faith and understands that this something extremely important to me.


How do you measure the success of the club in terms of its spiritual and social impact on the students and the wider school community?

I measure the success of the club not by the amount of people that come to the club but the amount that are being introduced to Jesus and getting connected. We were made aware that First Priority was man Best Club in the school. I feel that is a tribute to the students being reached by this club and knowing that there is a place they can come and receive.


How do you involve the local church in supporting and connecting with the First Priority club on campus?

I have a part of my leadership team from the Youth that come and help mentor the students.


What advice would you give to other mentors or educators who are considering starting a First Priority club on campus?

Having a passion for Youth is key! We are in a generation where talking about Jesus or church is not common but making a club for Youth where they can be a light and an outreach is important. It doesn’t matter how many people come to the club, the importance is in prayer and knowing that Jesus is being brought into our schools again.

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